Don’t believe me, Just watch

don't believe me, Just watch

#‎TrueheartSpeaksChronicles‬: Don’t be one of those people who have something to say about what everyone else is doing, but YOU aren’t doing anything but running your mouth. While you are talking. WE are doing. At least we are trying and putting forth some type of effort, while you judge, criticize and critique.

Stop it!

You aren’t a even benchwarmer, you don’t even sit on the sidelines. You speak from the bleachers. You aren’t even on the team yet. Why, because you do more talking that doing. Why because it’s more comfortable to sit and talk about what others are doing and how it probably won’t work, rather than stretch and be more than a mere exister (yeah I made that word up). But yet you have yet to even try.

Stop it! — Close your mouth and DO something.

Stop being the crab in the barrel. Stop being negative Nancy.

Stop it!

Even the benchwarmer is on the team. He may not get any play but he shows up for practice ready and awaiting his turn. What about you? Can we say the same about you. NOPE… If you aren’t going to get in the game the least you could do is cheer us on… encourage us or just be quiet and stay out of the way. It’s just that simple. Please don’t sit around waiting for our demise because you will be more than disappointed. Like, the donkey who’s master tried to bury him, we will rise and step over every ounce of dirt/shade you throw our way.

For those of you getting discouraged by the constant negative talk from those around you , find new people to share your dreams with or just don’t share them at all until God introduces you to a new row. Be intentional about surrounding yourself with people who challenge you to rise up and be better. Remember iron sharpens irons. Get round iron sharpeners. Stay away from plastic and glass… they bend, cut and break too easily.

Trust that what God has for you is for YOU. Also use wisdom, everyone who loves you won’t get it you. Leave them in their proper category. Let them love you but never trust them with your dreams if they’ve shown they can’t help you carry, give birth and grow your dreams. I’ve had to learn the hard way a few times, but after those few times, I learned my lesson. Pay attention to the patterns of people and guard your vision.

As Maya Angelou said, when people show you who they are, believe them. As you launch out and pursue living a life in and on purpose, be intentional in your pursuit…

and operate by these two phrases…

“I can show you better than I can tell you.”

“Don’t believe me, just watch!”

Show them… stop telling them!

‪#‎TrueheartSpeaks‬ ‪#‎justsayin‬ ‪#‎iSpeaksLife‬

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