Iron Sharpens Iron

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This past week I had the opportunity to attend the Speak for Pay Conference hosted by Marshawn Evans.  Can I tell you I had time of my life!!!  As I look back, I realize that I was on assignment.  In addition to attending as a participant, my assignment included attending as someone who will be hosting her own live events and getting a clear vision of what life and business could be like for me one day.  I was expanding my vision and up leveling my current life and business.

You see the way God reveals visions and dreams to me is through experiences most times.  Some people see visions via dreams, I get mine through actual experiences.  I might show up at someone’s house and see something and the Lord will speak to me and say this is it… this is what I was referring to the other day.  Crazy right… I know …. but at any rate, from beginning to end of the event, God was showing me what is possible when I allow myself to be shifted and pushed out of my comfort zone and when I am in a space where I am with like-minded individuals.


When we are with those who understand our struggle, our desires, and our passions, it somewhat takes the stress off of trying to explain greatness to people who just don’t ‘get’ it.  Well that’s how I felt.  I don’t know about you but when I can feel myself transitioning to the next level, I sometimes feel isolated or out of place.  However, that was not the case in Atlanta, where the event was held.  I was with a group of like-minded individuals being poured into by a mentor/coach who understood us.  Have you felt that way?  Where others didn’t really ‘get you’ or ‘get’ something you were going through or ‘get’ that dream you were pursuing?

Well sometimes you have to take the initiative the PUT yourself in environments where iron sharpens iron and birds of feather can flock together.  And not just any bird, but EAGLES.  You need someone who has been where you are going or who has experienced similar feelings and emotions in order for you to have the breakthrough you desire.  There were so many things that were confirmed while on this trip, so I knew I was in the right place.  When shifting and transitioning to that ‘next level,’ you need people in your circle, on your row and leading you who ‘get’ you.  You need iron to sharpen your iron.  Not plastic or glass, but iron.  You need people around you who are ‘like’ you.

If you are feeling a little isolated or estranged.  If you are feeling like no one ‘gets’ you. If you are in need of a coach or mentor who can really meet you where you are, you need an ‘iron sharpens iron’ experience like I had this past weekend.  If you don’t already have this in your life, you need to change it up.  Ask God to show you what changes you need to make.  Whether it’s changing your inner circle and the people on your row, do it.  Start aligning yourself with like-minded, purpose-driven, go-getters who are willing to do whatever it takes to pursue and live God’s best life.  If you need to invest in yourself by getting a coach or mentor or attending an event that will expose you to iron sharpeners, then DO IT.

  • You can’t keep waiting for them to get it; they won’t.  
  • You can’t keep waiting for the right time; it’s NOW.  
  • You can’t keep waiting for things to be perfect… NOT gonna happen.

It’s time for you to invest in yourself by surrounding yourself with WHATEVER is necessary to help provoke you into your life’s purpose.  I challenge you to make a list of things you know you need to do to start making that shift and DO one this week.  Go to an event where go getters are hanging out.  Sign up for a new training.  Be the iron that you are seeking and start sharpening those around you. If you are stuck and need help strategizing how to make the first move or take the first step, schedule a Strategy Coaching Session with me.

P.S … This month’s monthly coaching call takes place TOMORROW at 6pm.  If you are on my mailing list, no worries you are covered, but if not, then REGISTER NOW to get access to the call in details.  Tomorrow’s topic is all about getting rid of excuses.

Until next time….

Choose to live in and on purpose!


Life Purpose Generator – Speaker | Coach | Consultant | Mentor


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2 thoughts on “Iron Sharpens Iron

  1. Karla Miller says:

    Excellent Article Very nice Read Good Information ! Good For YOU!
    Fly like an Eagle Detra You deserve it!!

    I love the Iron Sharpens Iron!!!




    • Thanks Karla. Yeah I had a great time. Plus it was the reinforcement I needed to be in a better place to do my best work with my clients. Glad you enjoyed the article. Feel free to share it.


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