Do you really know what you want?

Do you really know what you want-

As we are closing out the first month of 2016 and heading into month two, I want to ask you a question, do you know what you want?

Yes it’s a simple but loaded question.

Do you REALLY know what you want?

Better yet let me ask you this, what does God want from you?

These two questions are huge because I’d like to know what your goals were for 2016 and how are you coming along in making those goals happen.

I know tons of people who went out and got planners, journals, highlighters, colored pens, post its, made these audacious goals and then went and took a nap. 🙂

Nothing happened.

Or something small happened, but nothing major.

Why, because it was overwhelming.

Now I will say this, maybe you were one of the many who got off to a good start. You created your goals and you started making things happen.

But I would go a little further to say that those who didn’t, weren’t really clear on what they wanted and didn’t really have a plan in place to make it happen.

I’m apart of an online women’s professional group and each Friday we host a weekly prayer call with a monthly theme. This month’s theme was “No More Excuses.” It was powerful! As I’m thinking about the excuses that get in the way of our goals, I started thinking about how we plan and decide what we want to accomplish.

In addition to being a speaker and coach/strategist for women, I teach a Student Success Strategies Class in an Adult Education Program and the first module is Goal Management. I teach the students to identify goals they’d like to accomplish and then we go through a series of lessons in the module. One of which is mapping our goals out long and short term.

So real quick… let me ask you a question.

Are you pursuing something that sounds good or are you working towards something that really moves you to action?

Many of us create goals that sound good. But that’s the problem. Once we create the goal, we aren’t really sure why we are doing it and we have no solid plan or strategy for making it happen.

As we launch into February, the second month of 2016, I want you to spend some time thinking about what you really want. I mean really want. This year I’ve purposed to get my finances in order. Not just my money, but my overall financial health i.e. creating a will, confirming another life insurance policy, creating an emergency fund & 6 months of savings… you get the gist.

There are a few other things I’m working toward like my physical health and growing even closer the God. You see, 2016 is all about loving me and loving me enough to do what’s best for me this year and no one else. It’s about filling my cup in overflow. Doing the work God has called me to do and being whole.

If you didn’t know, 16 in biblical numbers represents love.

So my question to you is what areas of your life do you need to love on?

As a somewhat recovering workaholic in training who works hard not to work when I want to work all the time, I’m working to create more balance in my life which means not just having work that I enjoy but also a life that enjoy. It’s means making time for honey and me as well as creating family time for my husband & my son and in order to spend together and create memories. My son is four and growing so fast that I don’t want to look up and it’s a blur.

So in focusing on all areas of my life, this encompasses what I call the 7 Facets of You™ (Spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relational, professional/educational, & financial). 2016 is the year that I love on every area. I’ve written out how I want to grow in these areas this year and I’m committed to doing the work.

So as for you, again, my question is… What do you really want?

When you think about your life and what you desire over the long run, what do you want from your life and in your life and for your life? My next question is are you willing to do the work that’s necessary to get what you want? Lastly, is what you want in alignment with what God wants from you?

One thing I’m sure of is that if what you want isn’t in alignment with what God wants for you, you can be sure it isn’t going to work out or at least not to the magnitude that it could if His hand was on it.

Since January is done and February is basically here, I want you to take some time to realistically think about what you want.

  • What do you want for yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally, professionally/educationally, & financially?

Then create 1-2 things you know you can work on this year. Don’t make them too big, but big enough to where they stretch you. Think about your why.

  • Why do want what you want? What drives you?  What or who are your motivators?
  • How does that enhance your life and the lives of those connected to you?

I also want you to put it somewhere visible as a constant reminder and then be open to God changing it if He sees fit.

Lastly I want you to break your goals down into quarterly (90 days), monthly (30 days) weekly (7 days), & daily goals.

  • What will be accomplished every quarter to accomplish your goal?
  • What needs to be done every month to accomplish the quarterly goal?
  • What needs to happen every week to accomplish the monthly goal?
  • What needs to happen every day to accomplish the weekly goal?

Now depending on your focus, you may not have to do something everyday. For example, hubby and I are doing the 52 week money challenge. But since we can never remember to do it chronologically, we are just saving $26 every week and putting it in an account. You see we aren’t doing anything daily, this is more of a weekly goal. The important thing is to get clear on what you want, why you want it, what making it happen actually looks like. Then do the work to make it happen.

I hope this helps you off to a better start for your year and if you’ve been hiding under the covers in overwhelm, you can come out now. 🙂

*|FNAME|*, these are the very questions I ask my clients and students. So you have a head start on getting clear on what you really want.

You’ve got your marching orders, now get to work!

Tell me in the comment section below what you want and why you want it? Or hope over to the #iSpeakLife Society to share your comments.

Need help … No worries!

Schedule a 45-Minute Pick My Brain Strategy Session to flush out all of your thoughts and ask me as many questions as needed to get clear and get started. Learn more here –>

Until next time…

Hugs + Love + Prayers

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