You are What you Speak

Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.
(Proverbs 18:21)
Let’s talk a little about what you talk about.  What do you say to yourself when no one is looking?  Do you affirm yourself?  Are you your biggest cheerleader?  Do you have great and awesome things to say about yourself?  OR do you down yourself?  Do you talk negatively and pessimistically about yourself?  Do you doubt everything you do or try to do?  You’d be amazed at the number of people who shy away from the question: So tell me about yourself?  Because they worry too much about what other people are going to think about them, they dumb down who they are, they’re accomplishments, and what makes them so fabulous.  I’ve seen it and, at time or another, I have done it.  Why is that?  Well I think part of it is not to seem too overconfident or conceited, or boastful.  But most times it’s none of that, it’s because we haven’t been taught that it’s ok to be proud of yourself and what you’ve accomplished or what you desire to accomplish. 
How you speak to yourself depends on what manifests.  Sometimes we say to ourselves what others have said to us and take those statements as our own.  Now if you’ve got someone in your corner who’s your biggest cheerleader even when you don’t believe in you, then that’s GREAT.   However, most times it will be all in what you think, say and do.  You start with shifting your mindset and how you think.  Next you start changing the way to you talk to and about yourself. Last, you move into what you do and how you do it. These three things if mastered over time, could change your life.  Keep in mind that in order to have something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.  If you keep doing (saying) the same things, you will ALWAYS get the same results.  The crazy thing is we expect to get different results by doing (saying) the same things, thinking that something magical or mysterious will take place.  NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!
So let me ask you again…what do you say to yourself when no one is around? How do you speak to yourself?  Do you love on you or do you minimize you? I mean really … think about for a minute. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  Whatever is inside you is whatever will come out.  Therefore you have be INTENTIONAL and ON PURPOSEnot ACCIDENTAL about what you deposit within.In her book Commanding Your Morning, Dr. Cindy Trimm says, “All you are, experience, and ultimately achieve can be traced back to how you have made use of these two simple, yet vastly powerful tools — your words and thoughts.”  She goes on to say, “All that you will ever be or accomplish hinges on how you choose to govern what comes out of your mouth.  By what you allow to occupy your mind and mouth, you can either bless your life to great heights of success or send it orbiting into realms of failure, sadness and discontentment.“Now this is powerful because many of us just talk not even paying attention to what we say.  We say things and have no clue how the very words we speak are affecting us at that very moment and are creating our future with the words we release. Know this…. where you are today is the result of the thoughts you had from a year ago or even two years ago. This also applies to what you say. If you are going to accomplish those BIG goals you desire to accomplish, you are going to have to shift not only your thinking but also what you speak at each level you ascend to.  YES … you don’t just stay at the same place, you move up as you accomplish each goal and in order for you to do so, you can’t say things like…

  • Oh I’ll never be able to do that
  • It’s too hard
  • It worked for Amy because we are different …  she’s better at — than I am.
  • I never meant to go any further than where I am now
  • I don’t really desire it (you may not say this verbally but you’re thinking it)
  • I’m not qualified
  • I don’t have enough experience
  • What this… this is nothing (stop minimizing your greatness, desires and abilities)
  • I’ll just make due
  • There’s isn’t anything special about me
  • Who would buy this from me
  • Who would read my book
  • Why do I even bother exercising, it isn’t working
  • Are you sure you have the right person God? (lol)
Again… I could go on, but the bottom line is this, you have stop cutting your feet from under you (something the ole folks used to say).  It basically means stop halting and hindering your own success.  If you cut your feet, you can’t move.  Your doubts, insecurities, worries and fears have manifested into your everyday conversation.  Your conversation is mediocre at best, not exceptional nor breathe-taking.  When you speak you should take your breath away.  Your words have power, so USE THEM to YOUR ADVANTAGE.  What you say to yourself should be so powerful that for one split second you think about taking it back, BUT YOU DON’T.
After today how will you begin to monitor what you say to yourself?
It’s time you started DECLARING, PRONOUNCING, AND PROCLAIMING what you want to see come to pass in your life and your business.  You may or may not know, but affirmations are HUGE nowadays.  Powerhouses like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Mary Kay Ash, Lisa Nichols, and so many others have used affirmations to speak life and increase into their personal and professional lives.  They, and so many others, have used affirmations and declarations to start, guide, end their day.  The power of affirmations, positive or negative, is so strong that when you begin to say something over and over again, you actually start to believe it.  This is why you have to be very careful what you say to yourself about yourself.  It is also important to have your own personal affirmations because there may come a time when your mentor, BFF or whomever you call for inspiring words may not be available and you will have to reach deep down into your bag of affirmations and pull one or two or three out.
If you need to master what you say to yourself, join me this Thursday for this month’s motivational coaching call at 8pm as we will dig deeper into this topic.  Learn how to speak life into the dead places in your life.  REGISTER NOW:’s to you living life IN & ON Purpose…DetraDetra M. Trueheart,

Speaker | Life Coach


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Sign up for my Monthly Motivational Coaching Calls ==> The next Call is Thursday, October 3rd at 8PM. It’s entitled: “You Are What You Speak: How to Speak Life into the Dead Places of Your Life.” Won’t you join me? Register NOW:

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Detra M. Trueheart is a Speaker and Life Coach. Her company, TrueheartSpeaks Enterprises, is dedicated to helping women break the mold, challenge the status quo and live life IN purpose and ON purpose. Learn how Detra can help you create a life beyond the limitations and expectations that hinder you from living life IN & ON purpose:

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2 thoughts on “You are What you Speak

  1. xerxeska says:

    It matters not a whit to me if people are looking at me while I am thinking. My thoughts are my own. However, if some one who is not an obvious nincompoop were to ask me what I am thinking about, then I would not hesitate to tell him. First of all, there are no aspirations in my thoughts. The time for such thoughts is long over. It must sound like self aggrandisement, but my thoughts have no envy, cravings, jealousies, or dark secrets to be hidden. Sound like a saint, don’t I? It was not always so. My feet still have some left over clay on them.Today all I think about, well almost, is my work, which is writing and my ancient interest in physics. Especially astronomy and astrophysics.Want a lecture, anyone?


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